Staying the Course

Lance Stays The Course Despite Two Crashes

Sticking with your plan can sometimes bring surprises out of the blue.  Some are helpful, some cause problems.

Who would expect to see Lance Armstrong on the ground, twice, both crashes caused by other riders. 

In our business the price of coffee spiked this summer.  Not exactly out of the blue, but a surprise none-the-less.  All of us who own and operate and lead our own business must have the courage to just put our heads down and keep going forward.  You and I must be able to absorb disappointments, even when physically hurt, and keep going.  We are the energy that keeps the business healthy.

The news is reporting that Lance tweeted his intention to continue in the race and help his team-mates.  Good for him.  While winning is out of the question this year, he could still win some stages. 

So let us leaders learn the easy way.  Watch another person handle adversity and thrive.

May your summer be happy, and your Gazpacho cold.
